Τρίτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2009
Μεταφέρετε αρχεία στο iPhone σας με την εφαρμογή File Magic
Μεταφέρετε εύκολα και γρήγορα αρχεία από τον υπολογιστή σας Mac στο iPhone σας με την εφαρμογή File Magic!!!
File Magic from SplashData is one of several file transfer apps available now in the App Store. By purchasing this iPhone app for $4,99 and downloading the free desktop app from its website, you can drag and drop your files from your desktop to your iPhone magically.
How it works?
- Launch File Magic on the desktop and the handheld. The handheld application will ask you to allow the connection.
- Drag and drop any file into the File Magic desktop and it will be transferred over Wi-Fi to the device.
- Tap the folder, then the file you wish to view on the handheld.
According to the iPhone Blog, transferring the files through this app couldn’t be easier - just use the drag-and-drop interface on the File Magic Desktop app and the files will “magically” appear on your iPhone File Magic app via your WiFi connection.
Worth trying.
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