Τρίτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Flash for the iPhone is coming, according to Adobe

Σύμφωνα με μία πρόσφατη συνέντευξη της Adobe, ο flash player είναι στα σκαριά με συνεργασία Apple - Adobe! Και αν επιτρέψει η Apple θα κυκλοφορήσει σύντομα!

According to a recent interview given by Adobe, Flash for the iPhone is in the works, and will be released (if Apple approves it).

Adobe Flash

They claim they’ll have to create a custom version for the iPhone; the regular version is too resource-intensive for Apple’s taste.

It’s been in development since June 2008, according to Adobe.

Frankly, it’s about time. With the competition pursuing Flash, Apple had to cave a bit and start developing to add it to the iPhone’s feature list. Now it’s only a question of when this “custom job” will be complete. No timetable was given for the custom version’s release.

This would open the door for lots of new development and application flexibility, and various sites to be more compatible with the iPhone, which would be a welcome note for developers.

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