Τετάρτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Metal Gear Solid for iPhone to be released soon; trailer out

Ένα από τα καλύτερα παιχνίδια όλων των εποχών για Playstation πρόκειται να κυκλοφορήσει και για το iPhone πολύ σύντομα! Πρόκειται για το Metal Gear Solid! Αν και απ' οτι φαίνεται δεν θα είναι πιστή κόπια του original game αλλά θα θυμίζει Crysis με πρωταγωνιστή τον Snake!

Δείτε το trailer παρακάτω.

Δευτέρα 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

iPhone 3G απο την Cosmote

iPhone 3G απο την CosmoteΣύμφωνα με φήμες, προς το παρόν τουλαχιστον, η Cosmote ετοιμάζεται να φέρει το iPhone 3G και να σπάσει το μονοπώλιο της Vodafone στην Ελλάδα!

Όπως και να ‘χει για να υπάρχει καπνός σύντομα θα ξεσπάσει και φωτιά, στην προκειμένη περίπτωση δηλαδή θα έχουμε κάποιο νεότερο σχετικά με την διάθεση του iPhone!

Ας ελπίσουμε λοιπόν το post αυτό να χρειαστεί ανανέωση σύντομα!

Turn-by-turn iPhone GPS app now in iTunes

A turn-by-Turn GPS application for the iPhone, the G-Map application, already exists in the App Store. There is no monthly fee required and no internet or wi-fi connection needed. Each application (XRoad Co.’s G-Map U.S. West and G-Map U.S. East) will cost you $19.99.

034142-routeMacRumors shared its review:

We briefly tested the app, and it does indeed provide turn-by-turn directions (distance countdown to each turn) by way of GPS. Local points of interest (Food, Fuel, etc.) can be found, addresses can be searched, routes can be edited, detours added, and types of roads can be avoided (highways, toll roads, etc.). If a turn is missed, the route is recalculated. The app even is said to have 3D Images of major intersections (we were unable to verify). Notably absent, however, are voice prompts to let you know when the next turn is.

However, this app looks awesome.

Click here to view the embedded video.

iPhone now available in UAE/Saudi Arabia

Saudi Flag
Το iPhone 3G έχει ήδη ξεκινήσει επίσημα στα Ηνωμένα Αραβικά Εμιράτα και τη Σαουδική Αραβία, H Etisalat ανακοίνωσε την Κυριακή (μια περίεργη μέρα για μια ανακοίνωση, αλλά there you go). H Etisalat και άλλα επιλεγμένα καταστήματα λιανικής πώλησης έχουν σήμερα την πώληση του Apple iPhone.

Great list: 13 iPhone apps for the graphic designer

We’ve combed the web for great lists of iPhone apps, and here’s one we found that will appeal to the graphic designer with an iPhone.

Graphics Apps

It’s 13 of the top apps that graphic people will love, and as the iPhone’s capability grows, there will be even more apps that appeal to this demographic.

These help with viewing/editing photos, sketching, task management and more.

The #1 app
in this article is Palettes, an app that allows to grab colors and complete palettes from websites, photo albums stored on your iPhone, and more. So if you visit a site and like a color on it, this app will tell exactly what color it is, and full stats about the color, and related colors in the spectrum. Full details here: http://www.maddyhome.com/iphone/palettes/

More of the app list here: http://www.webdesignerdepot.com/2009/02/13-iphone-apps-for-graphic-designers/

Apple contenders rated by Royal Bank of Canada

Σύμφωνα με την Royal Bank of Canada, η οποία δημοσίευσε τον παρακάτω αναλυτικό συγκρτικό πίνακα, οι 8 δυνατότεροι αντίπαλοι του iPhone 3G είναι:

Palm Pre, HTC Diamond 2, LG-GM730, HTC Magic, Samsung OMNIA HD (i8910), Nokia N86, LG Arena (KM900) και Samsung Ultra TOUCH (S8300).


Κυριακή 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

9-year old is iPhone’s youngest software author

Τα περισσότερα παιδιά της ηλικίας του ζωγαφίζουν σε χαρτί με μπογιές, αλλά ο εννέα ετών Lim Ding Wen έχει πολύ διαφορετικό καμβά. 9-year old iPhone software author
Μαθητής δημοτικού σχολείου από Σιγκαπούρη γράφει εφαρμογές για το iPhone της Apple, και το τελευταίο του έργο, ένα πρόγραμμα που ονομάζεται Doodle Kids, έχει κατεβεί πάνω από 4.000 φορές από το Apple iTunes Store σε μόλις δύο εβδομάδες. Δηλώνει ότι αντλεί έμπνευση από τη δημιουργία προγραμμάτων για τις αδελφές του, ηλικίας 3 και 5, για να παίζουν.

Αυτό ευφυές παιδί έχει πράγματι ολοκληρώσει 20 διαφορετικά προγράμματα σε 6 διαφορετικές γλώσσες προγραμματισμού (συμπεριλαμβανομένου και ActionScript Javascript), το οποίο για ένα 9 ετών είναι αρκετά εντυπωσιακό. Ξεκίνησε σε έναν υπολογιστή στην ηλικία των 2, και στα 7 έφτασε να προγραμματίζει ενεργά.

Το μήλο θα πέσει κάτω απ'τη μηλία: ο πατέρας του, επίσης, γράφει για μια εταιρεία τεχνολογίας iPhone εφαρμογές, και πατέρας και γιος ανταγωνίζονται για να δούν ποιος έχει περισσότερα downloads από τις αντίστοιχες εφαρμογές.

Ο Lim σήμερα γράφει και άλλο iPhone app - ένα παιχνίδι που ονομάζεται Invader Wars.

Do you want 100% free web hosting?

I recently found an 100% free web hosting service. The service supports mySQL databases, email, forums, free domain name and full working domain servers to host your own domain name!

Free Website Hosting

They give 1500 MB of disk space and 100 GB data transfer. I am now using them for about 3 months and never seen any downtime of server problems. There is no any kind of advertising on my pages too, so I think its worth to signup.

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Το itunes app store επιβάλει την αναβάθμιση του firmware του iPhone!

Άν ακόμα δεν έχετε αναβαθμίσει το iphone σας στην τελευταία έκδοση firmware 2.2.1 τότε μάλλον είναι η ώρα να το κάνετε. Το app store φιλοξενεί πλέον κάποιες εφαρμογές οι οποίες απαιτούν την ύπαρξη up-to-date συσκεύων. Δεν έχει σημασία αν είναι δωρεάν ή οχι!
Παράδειγμα αποτελεί το HOT or NOT και το iMob. Και οι δυο εφαρμογές είναι δωρεάν αλλά απαιτούν συσκευή με firmware 2.2.1 για να εγκατασταθούν. Ίσως αυτό είναι ένα μέτρο της Apple για να καταπολεμήσει τη ευρεία διάδοση του jailbreak!

Όσοι λοιπόν δεν έχετε αναβαθμίσει ακόμα προτείνουμε να το κάνετε καθώς το jailbreak της 2.2.1 είναι πλέον εφικτό με το quickpwn της dev-team!

Αναβαθμίστε λοιπόν και καλή διασκέδαση!

Click here to download QuickPWN 2.2.5 version 2 for Windows (This is the official Windows download)
Click here to download QuickPWN 2.2.5 for Mac
Παρασκευή 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

CSS Animation Coming to Safari, Already in iPhone. Less Dependence on Flash?

The Webkit blog reports that the latest WebKit builds now support explicit animations in CSS.

CSS Animations is one of the enhancements to CSS proposed by the WebKit project that we’ve been calling CSS Effects (eg. gradients, masks, transitions). The goal is to provide properties that allow Web developers to create graphically rich content. In many cases animations are presentational, and therefore belong in the styling system. This allows developers to write declarative rules for animations, replacing lots of hard-to-maintain animation code in JavaScript.

The features are presently unique to WebKit but can be viewed by using one of the beta nightly builds or simply through your iPhone/iPod Touch. Apple has already implemented these animations, as well as 3D support, within the iPhone's mobile Safari.

Those browsing using an iPhone or a nightly Webkit build can see the sample pages in action: falling leaves (pictured), bouncing box, and pulse ("the new blink").

These features should eventually make their way into Mac OS X's Safari builds and the features have also been proposed for inclusion into the actual CSS standard. As we've previously detailed, Apple has been making efforts to push web-standard technologies possibly as a way to reduce dependance on Adobe's Flash player. The incorporation of animation into CSS could certainly threaten one of the major uses of Flash on the internet. Apple has also been investing in other core web technologies as the basis for their Mobile Me web applications.

Via [Macrumors]

iHound: Track your lost or stolen iPhone

Φοβάστε μην σας κλέψουν το iPhone σας? Η εφαρμογή iHound είναι για σας! Εντοπίζει την ακριβή τοποθεσία της συσκευής σας μέσω GPS!
iHound Software is a revolutionary product that can help you find and recover a lost or stolen iPhone or iPod Touch. iHound uses the GPS and WIFI signal built into your device to determine its location. That location is then reported to the iHound server. Using iHound Software’s unique tracking website, you can track the approximate location of your iPhone and iPod Touch when the iHound application is running. Join over 15,000 other iHound Software users and begin taking control of your digital life.

Simply download iHound Software’s iPhone application through Apple’s iTunes App Store for $3.99 and sign up for a free iHound Software account to begin protecting your iPhone.

[via iPhone Application List]

iTunes crashes after iPhone Firmware v2.2.1 Upgrade? Ορίστε η λύση


After the iPhone 2.2.1 firmware update, some users found they had persistent problems with iTunes crashing with both iPhones and even iPods. Apple has issued the following email to some of the affected customers:

Μετά την αναβάθμιση στην v2.2.1 iPhone Firmware αρκετοί χρήστες αντιμετώπισαν προβλήματα με το iTunes, κατά την σύνδεση του iPhone/iPod Touch με το Pc/Mac τους.

H Apple απέστειλε το παρακάτω email με σκοπό την αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος:

Dear Customer,

Recently, we uncovered an issue which was causing iTunes to unexpectedly quit when synced with an iPod or an iPhone. This issue impacted a small number of users, and we have identified your account as potentially being affected.

If you have experienced this issue, please follow these steps in order to sync your iPod or iPhone with iTunes:
1. Launch iTunes
2. Select “Deauthorize Computer” from the Store menu
3. Enter your iTunes Store Account ID and Password, then click the Deauthorize button
4. Next, choose “Authorize Computer” from the Store menu
5. Enter your iTunes Store Account ID and Password, then click the Authorize button

Once you have successfully deauthorized and reauthorized your computer, you should be able to sync your iPod or iPhone to iTunes.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that you may have experienced as a result of this issue.

Thank you for being an iTunes Store customer.
iTunes Store Team

[Via MacRumors]

Τετάρτη 4 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

iPhone “4G” concept version

Με έναν ενδιαφέρον συνδιασμό φήμης/είδησης,το Gizmodo κυκλοφόρησε ένα concept για την επόμενη version του iPhone (δες την εικόνα).

iPhone 4G Concept

Πραγματικά δείχνει πολύ όμορφο, με πιο τετραγωνισμένη σχεδίαση από το ήδη υπάρχων μοντέλο(τετράγωνο είναι ο καινούργιος κύκλος σύμφωνα με πολλούς σχεδιαστές), βελτιωμένη κάμερα και μεγαλύτερη μνήμη.

• Titanium and Glass with an OLED screen
• Front camera for iChat
• Removable battery
• 3.2 Megapixel camera
• 32 GB

Έχετε κατα νου οτι αυτό είναι ένα ανεπίσημο concept και το πιό πιθανό είναι να μην κυκλοφορήσει ποτέ!. Τι πιστεύετε, εσείς οι αναγνώστες μας, για το όραμα του νέου iPhone?

iPhone Firmware .ipsw v2.2.1 (5H11) for iPhone/iPhone 3G

iPhone Firmware .ipsw Files‘ page updated:

NEW v2.2.1 iPhone1,1_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw (1st gen iPhone)

NEW v2.2.1 iPhone1,2_2.2.1_5H11_Restore.ipsw (iPhone 3G)

Τρίτη 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Μεταφέρετε αρχεία στο iPhone σας με την εφαρμογή File Magic

Μεταφέρετε εύκολα και γρήγορα αρχεία από τον υπολογιστή σας Mac στο iPhone σας με την εφαρμογή File Magic!!!

File Magic from SplashData is one of several file transfer apps available now in the App Store. By purchasing this iPhone app for $4,99 and downloading the free desktop app from its website, you can drag and drop your files from your desktop to your iPhone magically.

picture-621How it works?

  1. Launch File Magic on the desktop and the handheld. The handheld application will ask you to allow the connection.
  2. Drag and drop any file into the File Magic desktop and it will be transferred over Wi-Fi to the device.
  3. Tap the folder, then the file you wish to view on the handheld.

According to the iPhone Blog, transferring the files through this app couldn’t be easier - just use the drag-and-drop interface on the File Magic Desktop app and the files will “magically” appear on your iPhone File Magic app via your WiFi connection.

Worth trying.

Flash for the iPhone is coming, according to Adobe

Σύμφωνα με μία πρόσφατη συνέντευξη της Adobe, ο flash player είναι στα σκαριά με συνεργασία Apple - Adobe! Και αν επιτρέψει η Apple θα κυκλοφορήσει σύντομα!

According to a recent interview given by Adobe, Flash for the iPhone is in the works, and will be released (if Apple approves it).

Adobe Flash

They claim they’ll have to create a custom version for the iPhone; the regular version is too resource-intensive for Apple’s taste.

It’s been in development since June 2008, according to Adobe.

Frankly, it’s about time. With the competition pursuing Flash, Apple had to cave a bit and start developing to add it to the iPhone’s feature list. Now it’s only a question of when this “custom job” will be complete. No timetable was given for the custom version’s release.

This would open the door for lots of new development and application flexibility, and various sites to be more compatible with the iPhone, which would be a welcome note for developers.

Facebook for iPhone client most popular

In the ocean of the social networking services, especially among dekstop-based users, Facebook is quite popular. And it also goes with mobile users. It’s reported that Facebook for iPhone is the service’s most popular application.


Facebook have revealed that, out of its 4 million daily mobile users, their Facebook for iPhone mobile client sees approximately 1.64 million daily active users, compared to the Facebook for Blackberry app which has has approximately 1.56 million daily users.

Launched and hit the App Store at July last year, Facebook for iPhone client could access to more technology than Facebook iPhone websites. With the native application, for example, you can take photos and upload them instantly to your Mobile Uploads album on Facebook.

Facebook for iPhone works with the original iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPhone 3G. You can download the application for free from Apple’s App Store on iPhone and iPod touch or at www.itunes.com/appstore/

New Domain Name


New domain for our site!!! http://www.iphonegr.info
Don't forget to bookmark it! (Ctrl+D)
Και ναι έχουμε νέα διεύθυνση για το iphonegr!!! http://www.iphonegr.info
Μην ξεχάσετε να αλλάξετε τον σελιδοδείκτη σας! (Ctrl+D)

To iphonegr.blogspot.com θα συνεχίσει να λειτουργεί για λίγο καιρό προωθώντας σας στη νέα μας διεύθυνση!
Δευτέρα 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Rotating SpringBoard for iphone

Στο παρακάτω video θα δείτε ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον hack το οποίο ετοιμάζεται για το iPhone:

Rotating SpringBoard

Κυριακή 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2009

Evidence of Next Generation iPhone

Το model number του 1st gen iPhone είναι: “iPhone 1,1
Το model number του iPhone 3G είναι: “iPhone 1,2

To model number του 1st gen iPod Touch είναι: “iPod 1,1
Το model number του 2nd gen iPod Touch είναι: “iPod 2,1

To νέο model number “iPhone 2,1” το οποίο αναφέρεται στο USBDeviceConfiguration.plist μίας unencrypted firmware v2.x τι είναι;
Μήπως ένα νέο iPhone το οποίο ετοιμάζεται από την Apple;


Επιπλέον, τα model number “iPhone2,1″ έχουν εντοπιστεί και από τις διαφημιστικές αναφορές της PinchMedia:


[Via MacRumors]

QuickPwn (Mac-Windows) - PwnageTool (Mac) released to Jailbreak iPhone v2.2.1

Η Dev Team έδωσε σε κυκλοφορία τα QuickPwn v2.2.5 for Mac (download link) - QuickPwn v2.2.5.2 for Windows (download link) - PwnageTool v2.2.5 for Mac (download link) τα οποία αναμέναμε για να μπορέσουμε να κάνουμε Jailbreak την firmware v2.2.1:


1. GOLDEN RULE: If you have a 3G iPhone running 2.2 firmware and you want to keep your ability to use yellowns0w (or the option to use it in the future) do NOT use QuickPwn, and do not use the official ipsw or the iTunes update process without using PwnageTool.
2. Yellowsn0w will NOT work with the baseband version (02.30.03) that is present in the recent 2.2.1 update - you will need to create a custom ipsw that will allow you to update safely without affecting the baseband.
3. Please read all parts of this post before downloading and using these tools.
4. Read items 1, 2 and 3 again and again.
5. At the bottom of this post are the bittorrent files for the latest versions of PwnageTool and QuickPwn.
6. These apps are suitable for the recent 2.2.1 release.
7. The Yellowsn0w version has been updated to 0.9.7. Yellowsn0w is available from Cydia or Installer - this version allows compatibility with pwned 2.2.1 system (not baseband) - again - remember 0.9.7 yellowsn0w DOES NOT WORK WITH 2.2.1 (02.30.03) directly - you need to be running a ‘pwned’ version of 2.2.1 which doesn’t upgrade the baseband.
8. Users of OS X 10.5.6 will be unable to use DFU mode correctly, please see the note towards the end of this post to easily fix this issue.

Baseband 101

The ‘baseband’ is the generic name given to the internal components of the iPhone that handle the phone calls and Internet access. This ‘baseband’ is a tiny and unique independent computer system that runs inside your iPhone, it is separate to the main system that handles the applications (such as email and google maps) and it talks to the main part of the phone over an internal communications network. Think of it like a cable modem or other peripheral that is attached to your home PC that needs occasional updates. When a software update is released and presented to you within iTunes the baseband is sometimes updated (to fix bugs or add new features). The 2.2.1 update for the iPhone 3G contains such an update, so running the vanilla updater straight away with iTunes will reprogram and update the baseband. This could be bad for certain people, depending on your ultimate aim.

SIM Free/SP Unlocked/Factory Unlocked iPhone 3G

This applies if you bought your iPhone 3G for $$$$$$$. This model of iPhone 3G doesn’t have an Service Provider lock (aka factory unlocked) and you are able to put any SIM card into the phone and get service. Your phone is already unlocked so you do not need to worry about baseband updates, simply upgrade to 2.2.1 using iTunes and then use QuickPwn to Pwn and Jailbreak. This will add Cydia and Installer too.

Locked iPhone 3G - Preserve Baseband

This applies if you have a locked iPhone 3G and you wish to update to 2.2.1 but preserve the iPhone’s current baseband software. Preserving the baseband will ensure that you can still use “yellowsn0w” the iPhone 3G unlock application. To upgrade your phone to 2.2.1 and preserve the state of the baseband you need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool. This custom .ipsw will not contain the baseband update but of course will still allow all the cool new stuff from 2.2.1

Please note: PwnageTool is only available for Mac OS X.

Locked iPhone 3G

If you are using your iPhone with one carrier and have no interest in the possibility of an iPhone 3G unlock in the near future then just restore or upgrade to 2.2.1 using iTunes and use QuickPwn to Jailbreak and add Cydia and Installer.

iPhone 2G (1st Generation)

Update or Restore your iPhone 2G with iTunes then run QuickPwn to do the magic, ‘nuff said, you don’t need to worry about anything.

iPod Touch 1G (Original iPod Touch)

Update to 2.2.1 with iTunes and run QuickPwn.

iPod Touch 2G (New iPod Touch)

Sorry, no support at this time, but Redsn0w is being developed.

Fixing DFU mode on 10.5.6

As noted previously OS X 10.5.6 introduced a bug that affected the use of DFU mode. There have been previously published hacks and techniques to fix this, but there is another method that can be used to easily restore functionality.

1. You will need an account with ADC (Apple Developer Connection) this is free and takes a few minutes to sign up, you should read the terms and conditions carefully and you should only sign up if you are thinking of developing applications in the future - http://developer.apple.com/mac/
2. Download the disk image “IOUSBFamily Log release for Mac OS X 10.5.5 Build 9F33” (yes, that is a “5” in 10.5.5 - this is a developer debug package of the USB kernel extension).
3. Install IOUSBFamily-315.4.1.pkg from within the disk image
4. Reboot your system!

Official Bittorrent Release:
QuickPwn 2.2.5 for Mac OSX
PwnageTool 2.2.5 for Mac OSX

Download Mirror:
QuickPwn 2.2.5 for Mac OSX
PwnageTool 2.2.5 for Mac OSX

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